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Topic: Travel Insurance for parents visiting from India

Category: Travel        

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Topic : Travel Insurance for parents visiting from India

Sinha S.
Member of SeattleIndian.com
City: Bellevue
Hello friends,My in-laws are visiting from India and they would stay here for 6 months. They are 61 and 55 years old. Currently, they are in reasonably good condition health-wise. My questions are:1)How important is it to get a travel insurance for 6 months?2) If yes, could you suggest me any insurance provider?Also, please share your experiences/stories in this matter as I am totally confused.

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Total Replies: 1

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Sunitha S.
Member of SeattleIndian.com
City: Seattle
Just came across your query. Not sure if its already too late. Here are my thoughts:Just like any insurance, Visitors insurance is for a peace of mind incase of any eventuality does happen, so it is more of a personal preference. I always get insurance so that I can avoid any huge huge charges and enjoy the time without any worries. In my opinion it is a small fee compared to what you might end up paying in medical bill incase something major happens. For any minor issues you might not wanna take them to a doctor, as there will be pretty big deductible, I suggest taking medical insurance from India before they leave from India. You can try United Insurance and ICICI Lombard. Or you can buy insurance from US companies here too like Visitors Insurance and Visitors Coverage, do google search to find these companies.

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