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The Danger of Multiple Physical Relationships - How to come out of it?

Health & Lifestyle
Contributed by : Saha Nathan
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You may want to come out of this addiction. You would have
decided not to go with multiple physical partners. The toughest part is, you may
handle your mind for few days. However, due to this continuous act of physical
pleasure, your cell memories have developed strong craving of tasting different
bodies. The moment your body cells start the craving or demanding for physical
relationship then your mind remains quiet and starts obeying the commands of the
cell memories.  Each and every cell of yours starts asking you  "I want it ......I
want it ..........I want to taste some BODY...Please get me a body to enjoy" .You will
start assuming any person like a King or Queen even if a person looks normal or
below normal , even a beggar looks  like a king or queen .

How you would have got influenced for Multiple Physical Relationships?

A person would have been influenced through his/her friends.

A person would have got influenced by Media (Books or Internet or Videos).

A person may carry this thought through multiple birth or parents genetics.

A person may get into this addiction out of depression. Means, when you are in
depression your mind needs a way to divert it and focus on something else. I
have seen a lot of people started having multiple physical relationships out of

How to work on it?

Do not change the person if you want to come out of it. Instead of changing the
Software, look for the virus attacked in your software and remove it

Just keep listing by what different ways these mental patterns got loaded into
your system, like through friends or through media or out of depression. Trust
me, penning down the awareness is the best way to identify this virus called
"Multiple Physical Relationships.

After listing down all the starting cause of this activity, start analyzing and
identify the mental patterns. The moment you come to know the "KNOTS" of the
mental patterns, you know the answer to work on those mental patterns. Just
infuse a thought on top of those mental patterns like "Next time if I get this
thought I should think about the consequences like losing my energy, wealth and
health". This process is also called TRANSMUTATION.

Remember, it is not easy to come out these deeply rooted mental patterns. Please
do regular Yoga and meditation for at least twenty one days to influence your
Bio Memories.

"Your WILL power should be powerful than your cells' WILL power"

Like how you want to give a lifelong commitment for whom you love. This
commitment should be at least one step above the love commitment.

Ultimately, you have to train your body and mind to win over this addiction.

Let me tell you a story: A saint was living in a kingdom who took the saint
birth from his past good Karmas. He sees every woman as his mother. One day, the
king of the Kingdom met  him and took his blessings along with his wife. The
moment Saint looked at the queen, his mind slipped into having physical
relationship with her. He asked the king to give a powerful initiation to his
wife to have a baby. King sent her to him the next day for the initiation. The
saint opened up to her saying that "Dear queen I have been seeing all women as
my mother but first time, the moment I see you, I want to have you physically".
The queen grew up from a traditional family environment. She did not like it.
She wanted to escape from him at the same time she did not want any curse from
the saint. She responded back to him that I also like you but come to my palace
tomorrow night where no one will enter into my bedroom without my permission.
The saint was so happy to have her physically. At the same time the queen told
the soldiers to put a lot snakes behind the palace pond where the saint was
planning to come through that pond.

Due to strong longing to have physical relationship with the queen, he used
those snakes as rope and entered into queen's bedroom. The queen got shocked;
again she decided to act traditionally. She told that saint, my guruji, Krishna
came into my dream last night and requested me to wait until he gives blessings
to you in person after four days. The saint felt very happy, he decided why I
should wait four days, let me ask Krishna to give blessings today and go back to
queen again. He kept on chanting, Krishna...Krishna...Krishna with pure love and
surrender. Krishna appeared in front of him and blessed him. The moment he saw
Krishna his lust energy had vanished completely and transmutation happened. He
prayed to Krishna that by mistake I got into this strong craving to achieve
physical relationship with the queen.

Now, please bless me to go beyond this emotion and attain eternal wisdom.
Krishna blessed him with the same....

Dear blessed ones; you are the winner if "your" will power wins over the
"addiction's" will power.

About Author
An experienced writer and counselor in relationship management with 15 years of research and development on human relationships and emotions
  • Author of a renowned book, CRM: A Step-by-Step Approach, which is prescribed for graduate programs in 25 Indian universities
  • Speaks frequently on relationships, and his sessions are broadcast daily on Merina America 24-Hour Tamil Radio (www.merina.com)
  • Saha is very passionate about his idols, he practices what he writes.

  • To reach Saha Nathan:
    Please e-mail him at saha_crm@yahoo.com or visit his Web site: http://www.thenewbeginningnow.com/

    Website: http://www.thenewbeginningnow.com/


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